7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Celebs React to Neil Armstrong's Death: The Stars and the Moon Man

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Neil ArmstrongWhen legendary astronaut Neil Armstrong passed away Saturday at age 82, the responses from celebrities were out of this world.
After all, who better to praise the moon walker than the stars? Each offered one small tweet for a man, one giant outpouring of love for a legend.
Check out a few of our faves:Neil Armstrong's final mission, may he rest in peace

Ryan Seacrest: "Thanks Neil Armstrong for bringing the moon into our living rooms & curiosity into our minds. One giant loss for mankind."
Seth Green‏: RIP Neil Armstrong. Proof that humans can always push further. http://say.ly/pVU42Mu
 Ashley Judd: How poetic that in the month of #NeilArmstrong passing, there will be a BlueMoon.
Rob Lowe: Neil Armstrong: One giant leap…to the arms of God. #OhioHero #WapokonettaGeorge Takei: "With him, we all took one giant leap towards the heavens. Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong, as you rejoin them.
Barack Obama: Neil Armstrong was a hero not just of his time, but of all time. Thank you, Neil, for showing us the power of one small step. -bo
Mitt Romney: Neil Armstrong today takes his place in the hall of heroes. The moon will miss its first son of earth.
Kevin Smith: "I salute you, NEIL ARMSTRONG! Thanks for your courage & class! You showed the galaxy how far a kid from Ohio could boldly go. #GoodNightMoon"
Josh Duhamel: "One of our greatest heroes died today. RIP Neil Armstrong"
Alyssa Milano: "Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong. You are such an inspiration."
Simon Pegg: "Just heard Neil Armstrong took the giant leap. RIP a true modern hero and conqueror of the moon. Will be ever remembered."
Bruce Boxleitner: "The greatest of American heroes has passed away, the first man to step on the moon 1969. Neil Armstrong, the eagle has landed. RIP"
Dane Cook: The 1st human being to ever walk on another planet [sic] Neil Armstrong. #RIPWil Wheaton: "One great moment of silence for mankind. Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong."
Pee-wee Herman: Goodbye, Neil Armstrong - courageous pioneer and hero.
Reba McEntire: My thoughts and prayers go out to the Neil Armstrong family. He was a super guy. 82 years old. Thanks for all you did for us, Neil!!!
David Copperfield: He proved that the sky is no longer the limit. Every dream, no matter how big, starts with just one small step. A legend. Neil Armstrong.
Al Roker: From Neil Armstrong's family: the next time you walk out on a clear night and see the moon smiling, think of Neil and give him a wink.
Via: Eonline

Neil Armstrong carried Argentine soccer team pennant to the Moon
Astronaut Neil Armstrong, who died earlier this weekend, carried a pennant belonging to Argentina's Independiente de Avellaneda on his history-making 1969 trip to the Moon.

Armstrong, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 82 due to complications from recent heart surgery, confirmed during a November 1969 trip to Buenos Aires that he carried the souvenir to the Moon.
The first man to walk on the Moon visited Argentina's capital along with Apollo 11 crewmates Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins as part of a global tour organized by NASA.
Armstrong landed on the Moon with Aldrin on July 20, 1969, in the lunar module Eagle while Collins circled overhead aboard the command module Columbia.
The space pioneer said he had carried the pennant to the Moon, confirming statements by team officials that had been called into question by the public in Argentina at the time.
Hector Rodriguez, who served as Independiente's public affairs chief at the time, proposed making Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins honorary partners in the team before Apollo 11's voyage to the Moon.
"If they are going to be the greatest heroes of the century, they have to be Independiente partners," Rodriguez said at the time.
Team management agreed to the deal and the three astronauts were registered as partners, with Aldrin as No. 80,399, Armstrong as No. 80,400 and Collins as No. 80,401.
Identification cards bearing photos provided by the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires were sent to the United States along with club pennants and gear for the astronauts' children.
Armstrong thanked the team for its gesture in a May 1969 letter and said he wished to "be able to visit Buenos Aires soon and that circumstances will allow me to accept your invitation to visit the club," an event that never took place.
Rodriguez was invited to a reception held for the astronauts in Buenos Aires by U.S. Ambassador to Argentina John Davis Lodge.
Armstrong said during the reception that the Independiente pennant brought the astronauts good luck on the trip to the Moon, The story makes partners and fans of Independiente, which has won a record seven Libertadores Cups, proud.
The team, however, is currently struggling and could be relegated from Argentina's First Division, something that has never happened before. EFE
Via: Latino.Foxnews

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