31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

A Veteran's Day

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Leather patch of the 561st Bomb Squadron of the 388th Bomb Group.

My father entered the Army Air Force in January 1943. The flight records in his folder show training flights at Gulfport Army Air Field MS from July to October 1944 and Hunter Field GA in October 1944.

The next record is from December 1944 at an unstated location for "8th, 3d Air Div, 388th, 561st". We know from other records now public that he was at RAF Knettishall in Suffolk County, England. Technically a Royal Air Force base, it was used exclusively by the United States Army Air Force's 388th Bombardment Group from June 1943 to August 1945. Its only other use was for a few years more as British army supply base. There is a monument at the site.

Peter Brennan flew 33 missions from Knettishall, from November 16, 1944 to March 29, 1945. His role was togglier in a B-17 "Flying Fortress" aircraft. The togglier sat in the glass nosecone, next to the navigator who was behind and to the left. He released the bombs, and he also had a forward-pointing gun. This late in the war, my father said, the Luftwaffe were almost gone, so almost all the enemy fire was from anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

He is sometimes described on paper as a bombardier, and on a rare occasion that he talked about it, he said that technically the lead plane in the formation had a bombardier who determined when to drop, and that the toggliers in the other planes just dropped when they saw lead plane drop. A few days ago I got a better description from Dick Henggeler, 388th Bomb Group historian:
A bombardier was an officer who was able to use the Noden bombsight. A toggilier was able to arm and release the bombs manually. In the group the bombardier in the lead plane released his bombs using the bombsight. All other planes released their bombs when they saw the lead ship release.

The bombsight was very complicated to use and required a lot of training. It actually took into account air speed, ground speed, altitude, and humidity. The bombardier actually flew the plane on the bomb run remotely. I am sure that it is easier to tell people bombardier (which they could understand) rather than toggelier.

The Good Conduct Medal.
It is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active Federal military service. It is awarded on a selective basis to each Soldier who distinguishes himself or herself from among his or her fellow Soldiers by their exemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal military service, as outlined in this chapter. There is no right or entitlement to the medal until the immediate commander has approved the award and the award has been announced in permanent orders. — Army Regulation, Military Awards
Peter Brennan's 33 missions are all listed on the 388th web page.

There's always more to the story than a list of data. The longest gap he had was between December 31 and Jan 20, a full 18 days. Any reason? Yes.

The December 31 mission, his tenth, was a bad one. Co-pilot Stevens was killed in action. Ball turret gunner Martin and waist gunner Sevy did not fly again. This must be the mission my father told my brother about once. He said only he and the pilot came back in good shape, and that he helped carry out a dead crew member.

He and engineer Huntzinger reappear in a new crew on January 20, and tail gunner Woods joined them January 29.

The crew they joined, Edelman, hadn't had it easy either. They crashed on January 5, apparently in Germany, attributed to flak. None died. Three men became POWs and did not fly again, but they survived the war. The six others are listed as "evadee" but that word is all we get from the available record. Did they get out together? How? Whatever happened, they were not all back in action until February 15. They were put together into their old crew as they became available for duty. The three men from the SmithO crew, including my father, replaced the POWs.

The plane from the December 31 mission, now flown by another crew, met its end in a crash on January 20, and the men were all taken as POWs.

The Air Medal.
The Air Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the U.S. Army, will have distinguished himself or herself by meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. Awards may be made to recognize single acts of merit or heroism, or for meritorious service... — Army Regulation, Military Awards

The exact requirements for this medal varied. To some degree the "meritorious achievement" was measured by ships and aircraft destroyed and by number of missions flown in combat. The relevant example was that the Eighth Air Force Third Bombardment Division defined the criteria in April 1944 as six "Bomber, Bomber-Fighter, Photographic, Air Transport, or Observation sorties with distinction" for the medal, and then an oak leaf cluster for each six additional sorties.

At the completion of his tour my father had the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, which makes five awards. As stated on a typed document dated April 4, the dates follow his missions 6, 12, 19, 28, and 32. Characteristically, I feel, he did not bother to attach the oak leaf clusters to the ribbon! Allowing for delays, the six awards correspond to the first 30 missions completed "with distinction".

My father completed 33 missions. The standard by this date was 35, and you better believe the men counted those missions. My sister has the paper where our father wrote out each mission, one per line, make that one per numbered line. There wasn't going to be any mistake!

Of the original Edelman crew, two had reached 35, three 34, and one 33. The three added to replace the original crew POWs, including my father, were at 33, 33, and 30. I suppose the commander could have kept most of them around to see if they could fill in another mission or two with other crews, but there must not have been enough need. And besides the main reason they weren't all at 35 together was that six of them had "evaded" after a crash and the other three had escaped serious injury from flak. They'd done enough.

But my brother recalls our father being astonished. As he told my brother, when they came in after the mission and were told that their tour of duty was complete, he felt the need to point out to the officer that he had only 33. And when told again, he actually repeated that he had only 33, causing the officer to firmly say he was all done. And then he said to my brother, still not believing it some sixty years later, "but I only had 33!".

More information at the 388th BG Association web site.

Ball's Bluff

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It was nice day today, Sunday, so we went wandering in the woods in South Mountain Reservation in search of two places. There was a place called Ball's or Balls Bluff that I had never been able to find, and not far from it is Hemlock Falls, our own local natural wonder, which we've found many times but not approaching from the south.

According to the local journal Matters Magazine (originally Maplewood Matters, which was a nice pun, but hard to adapt when they decided to cover South Orange too),
On March 18, 1896, Philander Ball, who lived in Maplewood at 172 Parker Avenue, sold three and a half acres of nearby wooded property to the recently created Essex County Parks Commission. This transaction is remarkable because Ball's parcel of land was the first to be acquired for what would become South Mountain Reservation.
He was of the same family as Timothy Ball, whose colonial-era house I've mentioned in posts about stone houses and the Crooked Brook.

Here's a quick awful map of where we walked. Like many local maps the county's park map follows Dutch tradition and has west at the top.

We parked in a small lot with only two cars in it, the one where the red lines touch the solid black automobile road.

We struck off through the woods following vaguely the so-called trail shown by a dashed line on the map, and found the "bridle path" shown as Overlook Trail. The bridle paths are wide, unpaved, and well eroded. No one rides horses on them.

As shown the bridle path divides at "Balls Bluff". The location is a high knob overlooking the valley to the west, through which flows the West Branch of the Rahway River. It was probably a fine overlook 200 years ago when all the trees had been cut down for lumber.

Here's the same area on the 1902 map, when the reservation was new. The so-called bridle paths are shown by solid lines, which the legend calls "Temporary Drives / Old Woods Roads Improved". The double lines are "Proposed Drives" that were never built.

On the 1902 map, Balls Bluff is called Overlook Point, which matches nicely with the name Overlook Trail on the county's park map.

We started down the Lenape Trail, shown by a dotted line on the map, and found the remains of the Balls Bluff shelter. There's probably an old photograph of it somewhere but I can't find it. (By the way it is hard to search the web for Balls Bluff because there was a Civil War battle of the same name.)

Although we failed to bring a camera with us, all is not lost. Last September the blog Gone Hikin' ran photographs of scenes from a pretty long hike in the res including where we walked today. Before I send you there, let me describe the ruins. Pillars of rounded stones cemented together form a circle around sloping ground. The pillars on the uphill side are very short while those on the downhill side (seen in the photograph) are the tallest. After a moment we realized the tops of the pillars, or at least the unbroken ones, are all level. They must be supports for a wooden floor that is now gone.

Now go look. About halfway down is a photograph of the ruins at Balls Bluff, and right below it is also a photograph of Hemlock Falls.

That's about it. We took the Lenape Trail over hill and through dale and reached the falls. It hasn't rained a lot lately so it was less impressive than it could be. There are new benches. We went back up the grade on the bridle path, past Balls Bluff again, and again had to make our own way from there to the parking lot. We saw a pileated woodpecker working a hole in a tree, a warbler, and some chickadees. It was good.


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27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Happy holidays for Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi as they enjoy a romantic stroll on the beach in St Barts

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She's a friend to the stars thanks to her chatshow Ellen - with Jennifer Aniston and Justin Bieber on her Christmas card list.

But when it comes to the holiday season there is just one person Ellen DeGeneres wants to be with - her wife of four years, Portia de Rossi.

The happy couple enjoyed a romantic stroll along the beach together as they soaked up the sun together in St Barts on Monday.

Happy holidays! Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi walk hand in hand down St Jean's Beach in St. Bart's, after having lunch at the Eden Rock Restaurant on SundayHappy holidays! Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi walk hand in hand down St Jean's Beach in St. Bart's, after having lunch at the Eden Rock Restaurant on Sunday

All smiles: The talks show host and actress are obviously having a wonderful day
All smiles: The talks show host and actress are obviously having a wonderful day

Dressed in complimentary pale outfits - a cream dress for Portia and a white shirt and trousers for Ellen - the smiling  pair were arm in arm as they chatted and strolled.

They had earlier enjoyed a Christmas Eve lunch at the exclusive Eden Rock Restaurant on the island.

Ellen enjoyed a beer while Portia sipped a glass of wine over their meal.

Splashing good time! The couple enjoy themselves in the surf
Splashing good time! The couple enjoy themselves in the surf

Arm in arm: Ellen and Portia wore matching pale outfits - white for Ellen and cream for Portia
Arm in arm: Ellen and Portia wore matching pale outfits - white for Ellen and cream for Portia

Then Ellen rolled up her trousers as they paddled in the surf.

She didn't quite manage to stay dry, however, getting caught out by a wave.

The mishap amused Ellen, who looked younger than her 54 years as she laughed with Portia, 39.

The previous night Ellen, showed off her showbiz connections as the couple bumped into supermodel Kimora Lee Simmons, 37, and her children Ming Lee, 12, Aoki Lee, 10, and three-year-old Kenzo Lee. 

Tucking in: The couple had earlier enjoyed lunch at the Eden Rock Restaurant
Tucking in: The couple had earlier enjoyed lunch at the Eden Rock Restaurant

Posing for photos they laughed and joked together.

Ellen and former Portia then continued their evening together, popping into Hermes to pick up some last minute stocking fillers.

The couple wed in 2008 and still seem as happy as ever.

They celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary earlier this year, with Ellen hiring a sky writer to mark the event by writing 'four in the sky'.

Idyllic: After their stroll on the beach the pair jumped onboard a private boat
Idyllic: After their stroll on the beach the pair jumped onboard a boat

Hope your comments: ??

Label: Happy holidays

Via: DailyMail

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A Veteran's Day

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Leather patch of the 561st Bomb Squadron of the 388th Bomb Group.

My father entered the Army Air Force in January 1943. The flight records in his folder show training flights at Gulfport Army Air Field MS from July to October 1944 and Hunter Field GA in October 1944.

The next record is from December 1944 at an unstated location for "8th, 3d Air Div, 388th, 561st". We know from other records now public that he was at RAF Knettishall in Suffolk County, England. Technically a Royal Air Force base, it was used exclusively by the United States Army Air Force's 388th Bombardment Group from June 1943 to August 1945. Its only other use was for a few years more as British army supply base. There is a monument at the site.

Peter Brennan flew 33 missions from Knettishall, from November 16, 1944 to March 29, 1945. His role was togglier in a B-17 "Flying Fortress" aircraft. The togglier sat in the glass nosecone, next to the navigator who was behind and to the left. He released the bombs, and he also had a forward-pointing gun. This late in the war, my father said, the Luftwaffe were almost gone, so almost all the enemy fire was from anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

He is sometimes described on paper as a bombardier, and on a rare occasion that he talked about it, he said that technically the lead plane in the formation had a bombardier who determined when to drop, and that the toggliers in the other planes just dropped when they saw lead plane drop. A few days ago I got a better description from Dick Henggeler, 388th Bomb Group historian:
A bombardier was an officer who was able to use the Noden bombsight. A toggilier was able to arm and release the bombs manually. In the group the bombardier in the lead plane released his bombs using the bombsight. All other planes released their bombs when they saw the lead ship release.

The bombsight was very complicated to use and required a lot of training. It actually took into account air speed, ground speed, altitude, and humidity. The bombardier actually flew the plane on the bomb run remotely. I am sure that it is easier to tell people bombardier (which they could understand) rather than toggelier.

The Good Conduct Medal.
It is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active Federal military service. It is awarded on a selective basis to each Soldier who distinguishes himself or herself from among his or her fellow Soldiers by their exemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal military service, as outlined in this chapter. There is no right or entitlement to the medal until the immediate commander has approved the award and the award has been announced in permanent orders. — Army Regulation, Military Awards
Peter Brennan's 33 missions are all listed on the 388th web page.

There's always more to the story than a list of data. The longest gap he had was between December 31 and Jan 20, a full 18 days. Any reason? Yes.

The December 31 mission, his tenth, was a bad one. Co-pilot Stevens was killed in action. Ball turret gunner Martin and waist gunner Sevy did not fly again. This must be the mission my father told my brother about once. He said only he and the pilot came back in good shape, and that he helped carry out a dead crew member.

He and engineer Huntzinger reappear in a new crew on January 20, and tail gunner Woods joined them January 29.

The crew they joined, Edelman, hadn't had it easy either. They crashed on January 5, apparently in Germany, attributed to flak. None died. Three men became POWs and did not fly again, but they survived the war. The six others are listed as "evadee" but that word is all we get from the available record. Did they get out together? How? Whatever happened, they were not all back in action until February 15. They were put together into their old crew as they became available for duty. The three men from the SmithO crew, including my father, replaced the POWs.

The plane from the December 31 mission, now flown by another crew, met its end in a crash on January 20, and the men were all taken as POWs.

The Air Medal.
The Air Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the U.S. Army, will have distinguished himself or herself by meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. Awards may be made to recognize single acts of merit or heroism, or for meritorious service... — Army Regulation, Military Awards

The exact requirements for this medal varied. To some degree the "meritorious achievement" was measured by ships and aircraft destroyed and by number of missions flown in combat. The relevant example was that the Eighth Air Force Third Bombardment Division defined the criteria in April 1944 as six "Bomber, Bomber-Fighter, Photographic, Air Transport, or Observation sorties with distinction" for the medal, and then an oak leaf cluster for each six additional sorties.

At the completion of his tour my father had the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, which makes five awards. As stated on a typed document dated April 4, the dates follow his missions 6, 12, 19, 28, and 32. Characteristically, I feel, he did not bother to attach the oak leaf clusters to the ribbon! Allowing for delays, the six awards correspond to the first 30 missions completed "with distinction".

My father completed 33 missions. The standard by this date was 35, and you better believe the men counted those missions. My sister has the paper where our father wrote out each mission, one per line, make that one per numbered line. There wasn't going to be any mistake!

Of the original Edelman crew, two had reached 35, three 34, and one 33. The three added to replace the original crew POWs, including my father, were at 33, 33, and 30. I suppose the commander could have kept most of them around to see if they could fill in another mission or two with other crews, but there must not have been enough need. And besides the main reason they weren't all at 35 together was that six of them had "evaded" after a crash and the other three had escaped serious injury from flak. They'd done enough.

But my brother recalls our father being astonished. As he told my brother, when they came in after the mission and were told that their tour of duty was complete, he felt the need to point out to the officer that he had only 33. And when told again, he actually repeated that he had only 33, causing the officer to firmly say he was all done. And then he said to my brother, still not believing it some sixty years later, "but I only had 33!".

More information at the 388th BG Association web site.

Ball's Bluff

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It was nice day today, Sunday, so we went wandering in the woods in South Mountain Reservation in search of two places. There was a place called Ball's or Balls Bluff that I had never been able to find, and not far from it is Hemlock Falls, our own local natural wonder, which we've found many times but not approaching from the south.

According to the local journal Matters Magazine (originally Maplewood Matters, which was a nice pun, but hard to adapt when they decided to cover South Orange too),
On March 18, 1896, Philander Ball, who lived in Maplewood at 172 Parker Avenue, sold three and a half acres of nearby wooded property to the recently created Essex County Parks Commission. This transaction is remarkable because Ball's parcel of land was the first to be acquired for what would become South Mountain Reservation.
He was of the same family as Timothy Ball, whose colonial-era house I've mentioned in posts about stone houses and the Crooked Brook.

Here's a quick awful map of where we walked. Like many local maps the county's park map follows Dutch tradition and has west at the top.

We parked in a small lot with only two cars in it, the one where the red lines touch the solid black automobile road.

We struck off through the woods following vaguely the so-called trail shown by a dashed line on the map, and found the "bridle path" shown as Overlook Trail. The bridle paths are wide, unpaved, and well eroded. No one rides horses on them.

As shown the bridle path divides at "Balls Bluff". The location is a high knob overlooking the valley to the west, through which flows the West Branch of the Rahway River. It was probably a fine overlook 200 years ago when all the trees had been cut down for lumber.

Here's the same area on the 1902 map, when the reservation was new. The so-called bridle paths are shown by solid lines, which the legend calls "Temporary Drives / Old Woods Roads Improved". The double lines are "Proposed Drives" that were never built.

On the 1902 map, Balls Bluff is called Overlook Point, which matches nicely with the name Overlook Trail on the county's park map.

We started down the Lenape Trail, shown by a dotted line on the map, and found the remains of the Balls Bluff shelter. There's probably an old photograph of it somewhere but I can't find it. (By the way it is hard to search the web for Balls Bluff because there was a Civil War battle of the same name.)

Although we failed to bring a camera with us, all is not lost. Last September the blog Gone Hikin' ran photographs of scenes from a pretty long hike in the res including where we walked today. Before I send you there, let me describe the ruins. Pillars of rounded stones cemented together form a circle around sloping ground. The pillars on the uphill side are very short while those on the downhill side (seen in the photograph) are the tallest. After a moment we realized the tops of the pillars, or at least the unbroken ones, are all level. They must be supports for a wooden floor that is now gone.

Now go look. About halfway down is a photograph of the ruins at Balls Bluff, and right below it is also a photograph of Hemlock Falls.

That's about it. We took the Lenape Trail over hill and through dale and reached the falls. It hasn't rained a lot lately so it was less impressive than it could be. There are new benches. We went back up the grade on the bridle path, past Balls Bluff again, and again had to make our own way from there to the parking lot. We saw a pileated woodpecker working a hole in a tree, a warbler, and some chickadees. It was good.


20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

'Breaking Dawn - Part 2': The Reviews Are In! - VIDEO

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Finale has received best reviews in 'Twilight' history, with one critic saying the cast 'brings liveliness to a franchise known for being soulless.'
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Kristen Stewart, MacKenzie Foy and Robert Pattinson in "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1"At this point in the lengthy, angst-ridden and obsessed about nature of "The Twilight Saga," all signs point to the fact that the final film in the franchise, "Breaking Dawn - Part 2," is going to be a massive hit. The experts are predicting potential record-breaking-type box office numbers and there are millions of fans who have already bought tickets, so with all that monetary ammunition, does it really matter what the critics think? Do reviews for "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" need to be written?

Perhaps it's not a question of need but want, because the critical mass seemed to want to write all about how Stephenie Meyer's vampire soap opera comes to an end and surprisingly enough, more liked it than did not, which makes "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" the least hated movie of the franchise. Prepare yourself for one last bite as we hunt through the "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" reviews!
The Plot
"After Bella (Kristen Stewart) nearly died during pregnancy in the last movie, her undead husband, Edward (Robert Pattinson), saved her by piercing her neck, thus at long last making a vampire out of her. Now with newborn Renesmee, baby makes three. Played by what look like digitally altered tots and an actual flesh-and-blood girl (Mackenzie Foy), Renesmee is the nominal centerpiece for the final movie and its reason for being. As half-human, half-vampire, and conceived while Bella was still breathing, Renesmee turns out to be an instant problem child. Not only does she look as creepy as the baby Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," she's sprouting as fast as a magical beanstalk and, worse yet, has attracted the attention of the Volturi, a vampire coven in Italy with papal-like authority. Led by Aro (a fabulous, flamboyant Michael Sheen), the Volturi come to believe that Renesmee is an "immortal child" whose milk teeth will instigate a large-scale calamity." — Manohla Dargis, Hollywood.com
The Long Goodbye
"By the time the great vampire showdown finally got started, I was good and done with 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2.' But the big action scene is so campily over the top — with one twist so unforeseeable — that it sent me out on a burst of grudging goodwill. The film's endlessly drawn-out ending, with its multiple spoken and written iterations of the book's last word, 'forever,' over an image of the matte-skinned, cultishly beatific Cullens, may be the scariest moment in the whole pulpy yet vital Twilight series — a teenage girl's fantasy of perfect domestic contentment, frozen in time and doomed to last forever." — Dana Stevens, Slate.com
The Final Word
" 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' starts off slow but gathers momentum, and that's because, with Bella and Edward united against the Volturi, the picture has a real threat. It's structured as a classic monster-movie showdown, and when the two are standing with their ragtag rebel team in the Northwest snow, facing Aro and his monk-hooded Volturi army, the film takes off -- into eye-popping violence and spectacle. ...And wait until you get to the twist ending! It's one of the most shocking moments in the series, yet also one of the lightest. It made me realize that, as narratively lumpy as they can be, I like the 'Twilight' films because they're really about the eternal movie romance of vampires at play." — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly

‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2’: On-the-scene for fan reactions
If you’re at the midnight premiere of Twilight: Breaking Dawn — Part 2 (well, technically, a 10 p.m. Thursday night show) chances are you’re already more than familiar about what exactly goes down in the finale of the vampire saga. With my colleagues Lanford Beard (who was coming off an all-day Twilight marathon) and Denise Warner, we braved the first public showtime in Manhattan alongside a – no surprise – sold-out crowd. More surprising was how adult and costume-free our group seemed to be.

While our theater clearly was audibly buzzing with anticipation, the dirty little secret is that in the book, not a whole heck of a lot happens in the second half of Breaking Dawn. There’s a Volturi battle, and an arm-wrestling match (What big muscles you have, Emmett!), but there’s also a ton of contemplative stares and thoughts on Jacob’s relationship with Renesmee. So you can forgive fans for being a little skeptical, albeit excited, when I asked them for their thoughts prior to the final film release.

First up was a giggly trio of friends who ID’d themselves as “let’s say right around [age] 30” that I caught up with in line at the concession stand. Like a lot of fans I spoke with, Charity Worrell has been a long-time Twi-hard – and the experiences she had with her friends obsessing over the trio are what she’s going to miss most about this whole phenomenon. “We watched them all in row, all together just before [coming here],” she shared.

Worrell’s friends said that the part they were most looking forward to was the ending. “In the book, the ending, when [Edward] can finally see into [Bella's] mind. That was my favorite part of the book. It made me cry,” Angela Park said. The other woman in their group, Kristina Gianakos, just laughed: “I didn’t read the books! So, I just want to see [Edward and Bella] make out a lot!” Spoiler alert: She gets her wish.

THE 'TWILIGHT' SAGA: Get the latest news, photos, and more

Another group of friends was concerned about how some of the book plots were going to unfold. “I think when Jacob falls in love with the child [is the scene I’m most curious about.] She’s so young. And [Jacob] loved Bella! I think it’s going to be hit or miss. They can either pull it off or they can’t. … I think [the producers] will make it look cheesy,” fan Keri Shean speculated right before the movie started.

And then, just like that, after a battle and a love story concluded, the franchise was done. No more “Team” T-shirts. No more shirtless Jacob. No more Cullen Family Baseball. Critics have had their say (read EW’s review of Twilight: Breaking Dawn — Part 2) but I was also curious what the people who loved it the most thought about the ending.

After the film, I grabbed people from our screening for a mini-focus group – and, as to be expected, emotions were running high. (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS!) Everyone had lots of thoughts on that big ol’ twist that Kristen Stewart had been talking up in press interviews. During the show there was screaming and lots of freaking out by our audience, but afterwards, fans seemed to like the more visceral final battle between the Cullens and the Volturi — even if it did turn out to be not 100 percent loyal to the book.

“It was crazy,” said one fan. “I kept [turning to my friends and] saying, ‘This better be a dream!’” Another agreed that it was unexpected, but thought the change was for the best. “I think they had to do something, or else it would be really boring.” Yet another chimed in: “I liked the way they ended it. It made more sense to scare [Aro]; that was more climactic than it was in the book.”

Of course, the film also had its dissenters: “This one, as compared to the other [movies], supremely more inaccurate. Before the flashback even came. I mean, all of them are comical but as far as accuracy to the books, this one was so different. It wasn’t even an adaptation to the book. It was just its own film,” said fan Katie Ritchey.

But perhaps Ritchey just had a lot of feelings catching up with her at once. She, like many I spoke with, felt that they were saying goodbye to something. “We no longer have a series that we started [together]. Harry Potter, gone. This was like the last thing for us to hold onto. I’m a little bit [nostalgic].”

Via: MTVVia:POPWatch

Christina Aguilera's fuller figure at AMA awards prompts Twitter fire

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Check out the video (above) to watch the interview in its entirety and see how XTina becomes very emotional as she discusses her own childhood and experiences with bullying.She may have struggled back then, but the success of songs like Fighter and Beautiful may have never come to be without them. There's a silver lining if we've ever heard one… 

Nicki Minaj and Christina Aguilera were blonde bombshells at the AMA Awards on Sunday night. Minaj's hair was busy and full of volume and she sported a neon strapless gown to accept her first award. Aguilera wore a blonde bob in a purple dress that matched her eyeshadow.

Aguilera also performed a medley of material from her new album and joined Pitbull onstage.

But it wasn't her performance, or her hair, that had tongues wagging -- it was Aguilera's much fuller figure. Here are a few representative tweets from AMA viewers:

"Carrie Underwood is what Christina Aguilera thinks she looks like right now. And no one has the heart to tell her "NAWL.""

"Christina Aguilera looks like Snooki. No wait, that's an insult to Snooki."

"Did Christina Aguilera eat one of Willy Wonka's blueberries?"

But Aguilera was not without her Twitter defenders.

"Christina Aguilera looked gorgeous last night. I love this dress and the diva attitude she is serving!"

"Anyone who says Christina Aguilera isnt amazing can leave nearest exit to the left thanks.'

"New hairstyle and looking gorgeous! Christina Aguilera aka Legendtina Godulara!"

Ask any musician alive and they'll tell you FOR SURE, that their greatest songs came from their greatest pain.

See? It pays to have a creative outlet!

It has been 13 years since her genie came creeping out of a bottle, but now Christina Aguilera is a full-grown, 5-tim Grammy winning artist and mommy — and she sees no end in sight.

In promoting her new album Lotus, XTina sat down for an intimate Dateline interview to discuss her journey to this point and shared some interesting realizations about how her journey has influenced her music.

christina aguilera before after 660 reuters.jpg

Via: PerezHilton
Via: FoxNews
Via: Gossiponthis

Miss USA Olivia Culpo won the Miss Universe 2012

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videoLAS VEGAS : Miss USA Olivia Culpo, from Rhode Island, won the Miss Universe 2012 title Thursday morning. Janine Tugonon from the Philippines was second, while Irene Esser of Venezuela came third.

Miss USA Olivia Culpo, 20, is from Cranston, Rhode Island, and plays cello. Her parents are musicians and she and her siblings all learned to play various instruments. She has performed with Yo-Yo Ma. She wants a career in film and television.

First runner up is Miss Philippines Janine Tugonon; second runner is Miss Venezuela Irene Sofia Esser Quintero; third runner up is Miss Australia Renae Ayris and the fourth runner up is Miss Brazil Gabriele Markus.

Before the announcement is made, Rancic thanks the judges for making a life-changing decision for the winner. She also thanks Donald Trump, who owns the pageant.

The national costume contest winner is Miss China. In order are Miss Mexico, Miss Netherlands, Miss Sri Lanka, Miss Brazil, Miss Nicaragua, Miss British Virgin Islands, Miss Panama, Miss Peru and Miss Indonesia.

Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes talks about her year and thanks everyone, including her mother.

9:42 p.m.: Timomatic is performing as the Top 5 finalists parade around.

Miss Universe will be announced next.

9:30 p.m.: All eyes are on Miss Universe, says the announcer. OK.

The most difficult part of the competition.

Each one picks a card with the name of a judge. The judge will ask a question.

Miss Venezuela's question is from Diego Boneta. She chooses to answer in English, even though there's an interpreter. Unfortunately, I didn't hear the question.

Miss Philippines choses Nigel Barker, who asks since Miss Universe is an international representative, should English be a prerequisite. Again, I didn't hear the answer.

Miss Australia chose Lisa Vanderpump, who asked to what she would say if she were told to lose weight. She said she feels good about herself and if she's asked to lose weight, she wouldn't because she's OK with how she looks. Good for her.

Miss USA chose Ximena Navarette, who asked if she's done anything she'd never do again. She said every experience is something she's learned from, but the thing she did was pick on her siblings while they were growing up. But she doesn't regret it.

Miss Brazil chose Kerri Walsh who said she wears a swimsuit when she competes. She asked if she feels if she's reduced to being a sexual object because of that. Miss Brazil chooses to use the interpreter and says the way they dress should not matter because it's what inside that shows their true self and character.

Ends with a moment of silence for the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

9:22 p.m.: Another commercial, but this one is for Las Vegas. This one's longer than the others.

The top 5 are Miss Venezuela, Miss Philippines, Miss Australia, Miss USA and Miss Brazil.

9:10 p.m.: Another sponsor commercial within the show.

Rancic has changed into a poofy, glittery ballgown.

Train is performing while all of the contestants parade around in their evening gowns.

Whoops, one of the women nearly ended up in the audience as she stumbled.

Miss Australia, Miss Russia, Miss Brazil, Miss France, Miss Venezuela, Miss USA, Miss Hungary, Miss South Africa, Miss Mexico and Miss Philippines come out in their evening gowns as Jeannie Mai makes comments about the dresses. "Oooh, I love that color."

Another dress, she says she loves the neckline.

"Now this is quite an exotic dress," about Miss Venezuela's dress.

Train lead singer Pat Monahan looks kind of sheepish.

How do you have fun with a dress? Mai says Miss Philippines is having fun with her dress.

OK. Monahan looks a little happier.

Miss Congeniality is Miss Guatemala. Yes, there is a Miss Congeniality in this pageant.

8:55 p.m.: Miss Photogenic Universe is Miss Kosovo.

The Top 10 contestants are Miss Australia, Miss Russia, Miss Brazil, Miss France, Miss Venezuela, Miss USA, Miss Hungary, Miss South Africa, Miss Mexico and Miss Philippines.

Next is the evening gown competition.

Before that competition, each talks a little bit about themselves.

8:40 p.m.: Another sponsor commercial.

OK, so that's how all of the women's hair look so similar -- use Chi products.

Miss Venezuela, Miss Turkey, Miss France, Miss Peru, Miss Russia, Miss Mexico, Miss Poland, Miss Hungary, Miss South Africa, Miss Philippines, Miss Croatia, Miss Brazil, Miss Kosovo, Miss Australia, Miss India and Miss USA compete in swimsuit.

Before they come on stage, all of the contestants in their swimsuits, are in a production number. They're all wearing the same bikinis but in different colors.

The top 16 women wear the same swimsuits as the rest of the contestants, but each wear them in different colors. They start off with a coverup that quickly comes off as they make their way down the runway.

Rancic rattles off trivia about each of the 16 women. Like one of wants to work with poor people, another does charitable work and Miss USA talks about breast cancer awareness.

Next, the Top 10 will be announced.

8:30 p.m.: The judges are announced.

They are Mexican soap opera actor and singer Diego Boneta, Olympian Kerri Walsh, reality "star" Scott Disick, photographer Nigel Barker, stylist Brad Goreski, model Claudia Jordan, baseball player Pablo Sandoval, realtiy star Lisa Vanderpump and Giggy, celebrity chef Masaharu Morimoto and model and Miss Universe 2010 Ximena Navarrete.

Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes is announced. She's the first woman from Africa to win the pageant. She's from Angola. Lopes introduced the "costumes" but it was a very short film clip. She said the winner will be announced later.

You can see the "National Costume Show" at http://www.missuniverse.com/

8:16 p.m.: It's product placement time as the sponsors are seen.

The top 16 women are Miss Venezuela, Miss Turkey, Miss France, Miss Peru, Miss Russia, Miss Mexico, Miss Poland, Miss Hungary, Miss South Africa, Miss Philippines, Miss Croatia, Miss Brazil, Miss Kosovo, Miss Australia, Miss India and Miss USA.

Swimsuit is next.

8 p.m.: Live from Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, the 2012 Miss Universe Pageant just started.

The women aren't in their fancy costumes from their native countries. Instead, they're in impossibly high heels and very, very short dresses. The dresses all have the same silhouettes, but are in different colors and either have tiny sleeves or spaghetti straps. There's some glitter on every dress.

Whoops, Miss Guam almost fell, but caught herself.

All of the women somehow look alike with the same type of hairstyles. Their hair is either loose and long or in updos.

Hosts Andy Cohen and Guiliana Rancic are announced and we'll see how many times Rancic changes dresses.

Jeannie Mai, someone I've never heard of, is going to be the roving reporter.

Train is the musical guest.

Via: Bangkokpost

A Veteran's Day

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Leather patch of the 561st Bomb Squadron of the 388th Bomb Group.

My father entered the Army Air Force in January 1943. The flight records in his folder show training flights at Gulfport Army Air Field MS from July to October 1944 and Hunter Field GA in October 1944.

The next record is from December 1944 at an unstated location for "8th, 3d Air Div, 388th, 561st". We know from other records now public that he was at RAF Knettishall in Suffolk County, England. Technically a Royal Air Force base, it was used exclusively by the United States Army Air Force's 388th Bombardment Group from June 1943 to August 1945. Its only other use was for a few years more as British army supply base. There is a monument at the site.

Peter Brennan flew 33 missions from Knettishall, from November 16, 1944 to March 29, 1945. His role was togglier in a B-17 "Flying Fortress" aircraft. The togglier sat in the glass nosecone, next to the navigator who was behind and to the left. He released the bombs, and he also had a forward-pointing gun. This late in the war, my father said, the Luftwaffe were almost gone, so almost all the enemy fire was from anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

He is sometimes described on paper as a bombardier, and on a rare occasion that he talked about it, he said that technically the lead plane in the formation had a bombardier who determined when to drop, and that the toggliers in the other planes just dropped when they saw lead plane drop. A few days ago I got a better description from Dick Henggeler, 388th Bomb Group historian:
A bombardier was an officer who was able to use the Noden bombsight. A toggilier was able to arm and release the bombs manually. In the group the bombardier in the lead plane released his bombs using the bombsight. All other planes released their bombs when they saw the lead ship release.

The bombsight was very complicated to use and required a lot of training. It actually took into account air speed, ground speed, altitude, and humidity. The bombardier actually flew the plane on the bomb run remotely. I am sure that it is easier to tell people bombardier (which they could understand) rather than toggelier.

The Good Conduct Medal.
It is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active Federal military service. It is awarded on a selective basis to each Soldier who distinguishes himself or herself from among his or her fellow Soldiers by their exemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal military service, as outlined in this chapter. There is no right or entitlement to the medal until the immediate commander has approved the award and the award has been announced in permanent orders. — Army Regulation, Military Awards
Peter Brennan's 33 missions are all listed on the 388th web page.

There's always more to the story than a list of data. The longest gap he had was between December 31 and Jan 20, a full 18 days. Any reason? Yes.

The December 31 mission, his tenth, was a bad one. Co-pilot Stevens was killed in action. Ball turret gunner Martin and waist gunner Sevy did not fly again. This must be the mission my father told my brother about once. He said only he and the pilot came back in good shape, and that he helped carry out a dead crew member.

He and engineer Huntzinger reappear in a new crew on January 20, and tail gunner Woods joined them January 29.

The crew they joined, Edelman, hadn't had it easy either. They crashed on January 5, apparently in Germany, attributed to flak. None died. Three men became POWs and did not fly again, but they survived the war. The six others are listed as "evadee" but that word is all we get from the available record. Did they get out together? How? Whatever happened, they were not all back in action until February 15. They were put together into their old crew as they became available for duty. The three men from the SmithO crew, including my father, replaced the POWs.

The plane from the December 31 mission, now flown by another crew, met its end in a crash on January 20, and the men were all taken as POWs.

The Air Medal.
The Air Medal is awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the U.S. Army, will have distinguished himself or herself by meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. Awards may be made to recognize single acts of merit or heroism, or for meritorious service... — Army Regulation, Military Awards

The exact requirements for this medal varied. To some degree the "meritorious achievement" was measured by ships and aircraft destroyed and by number of missions flown in combat. The relevant example was that the Eighth Air Force Third Bombardment Division defined the criteria in April 1944 as six "Bomber, Bomber-Fighter, Photographic, Air Transport, or Observation sorties with distinction" for the medal, and then an oak leaf cluster for each six additional sorties.

At the completion of his tour my father had the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, which makes five awards. As stated on a typed document dated April 4, the dates follow his missions 6, 12, 19, 28, and 32. Characteristically, I feel, he did not bother to attach the oak leaf clusters to the ribbon! Allowing for delays, the six awards correspond to the first 30 missions completed "with distinction".

My father completed 33 missions. The standard by this date was 35, and you better believe the men counted those missions. My sister has the paper where our father wrote out each mission, one per line, make that one per numbered line. There wasn't going to be any mistake!

Of the original Edelman crew, two had reached 35, three 34, and one 33. The three added to replace the original crew POWs, including my father, were at 33, 33, and 30. I suppose the commander could have kept most of them around to see if they could fill in another mission or two with other crews, but there must not have been enough need. And besides the main reason they weren't all at 35 together was that six of them had "evaded" after a crash and the other three had escaped serious injury from flak. They'd done enough.

But my brother recalls our father being astonished. As he told my brother, when they came in after the mission and were told that their tour of duty was complete, he felt the need to point out to the officer that he had only 33. And when told again, he actually repeated that he had only 33, causing the officer to firmly say he was all done. And then he said to my brother, still not believing it some sixty years later, "but I only had 33!".

More information at the 388th BG Association web site.

Ball's Bluff

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It was nice day today, Sunday, so we went wandering in the woods in South Mountain Reservation in search of two places. There was a place called Ball's or Balls Bluff that I had never been able to find, and not far from it is Hemlock Falls, our own local natural wonder, which we've found many times but not approaching from the south.

According to the local journal Matters Magazine (originally Maplewood Matters, which was a nice pun, but hard to adapt when they decided to cover South Orange too),
On March 18, 1896, Philander Ball, who lived in Maplewood at 172 Parker Avenue, sold three and a half acres of nearby wooded property to the recently created Essex County Parks Commission. This transaction is remarkable because Ball's parcel of land was the first to be acquired for what would become South Mountain Reservation.
He was of the same family as Timothy Ball, whose colonial-era house I've mentioned in posts about stone houses and the Crooked Brook.

Here's a quick awful map of where we walked. Like many local maps the county's park map follows Dutch tradition and has west at the top.

We parked in a small lot with only two cars in it, the one where the red lines touch the solid black automobile road.

We struck off through the woods following vaguely the so-called trail shown by a dashed line on the map, and found the "bridle path" shown as Overlook Trail. The bridle paths are wide, unpaved, and well eroded. No one rides horses on them.

As shown the bridle path divides at "Balls Bluff". The location is a high knob overlooking the valley to the west, through which flows the West Branch of the Rahway River. It was probably a fine overlook 200 years ago when all the trees had been cut down for lumber.

Here's the same area on the 1902 map, when the reservation was new. The so-called bridle paths are shown by solid lines, which the legend calls "Temporary Drives / Old Woods Roads Improved". The double lines are "Proposed Drives" that were never built.

On the 1902 map, Balls Bluff is called Overlook Point, which matches nicely with the name Overlook Trail on the county's park map.

We started down the Lenape Trail, shown by a dotted line on the map, and found the remains of the Balls Bluff shelter. There's probably an old photograph of it somewhere but I can't find it. (By the way it is hard to search the web for Balls Bluff because there was a Civil War battle of the same name.)

Although we failed to bring a camera with us, all is not lost. Last September the blog Gone Hikin' ran photographs of scenes from a pretty long hike in the res including where we walked today. Before I send you there, let me describe the ruins. Pillars of rounded stones cemented together form a circle around sloping ground. The pillars on the uphill side are very short while those on the downhill side (seen in the photograph) are the tallest. After a moment we realized the tops of the pillars, or at least the unbroken ones, are all level. They must be supports for a wooden floor that is now gone.

Now go look. About halfway down is a photograph of the ruins at Balls Bluff, and right below it is also a photograph of Hemlock Falls.

That's about it. We took the Lenape Trail over hill and through dale and reached the falls. It hasn't rained a lot lately so it was less impressive than it could be. There are new benches. We went back up the grade on the bridle path, past Balls Bluff again, and again had to make our own way from there to the parking lot. We saw a pileated woodpecker working a hole in a tree, a warbler, and some chickadees. It was good.


16 Aralık 2012 Pazar

WATCH: HORRIBLE Prank Nearly Causes Shark Attack

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Shark Attack Prank Video Shows Friends Push Man Into Water, Then Laugh 


 There are some things that friends do: pick you up when you're down, lend an ear and a shoulder when you need it, you know -- friend stuff. Then there are things friends don't do.

Friend Pushed Into Shark

And on the top of the "don't" list? Friends don't push friends into shark-infested oceans, then laugh when the pushed friend narrowly escapes getting eaten.
Enter exhibit "A," prime video evidence one man needs to seek out a new group of friends. In the video, a group of youngsters are skimming along the ocean in a boat when one gets pushed into the water. The shark-infested water. Those in the boat all laugh uproariously as a gigantic creature appears to almost eat their friend.
According to the description provided on YouTube, the video features a Basking shark, a species that's generally considered harmless. Safe or no, there's nothing harmless about the heart attack our young protagonist must have suffered as a result of this cruel prank. 

Via: HuffingTonPost